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why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband

We are urged to die to all our false identities and to remember our true identity as siblings of the flesh and blood of the Bridegroom. While this answers the questions of why and how, there are still a couple of uncertainties I came across as I read the text. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the circumcision. Zipporah is Moses's patrilineal cousin and his second wife. Most people read over it and dont understand what it all means. Then she said, "You are a bloody husband," because of the circumcision (Exodus 4:25 - 26). The trappings of Pharaohs house made it easy for Moses to forget Abels sacrifice, the ram who saved Isaac, and the Hebrew blood that ran through his veins. So Moses had to keep the boy still. The circumcision of one or both of Moses sons is one of those events. 2-God expects obedience and submission from His people. Zipporah meets Moses at the well. Zipporah and her sisters appear too weak to defend themselves from the threat of local shepherds at the well. God locks his intent on him and by extension all of Egypt's first born. Although some Bible versions substitute Moses name, the actual Hebrew wording states him. You shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. Two verses before the excerpt provide Gods words for Pharaoh which warns of the plague that will kill each first-born son of families that do not adhere to the instructions of the protagonist. See Exodus 2:11 4:31 for the Bible story. Which of you convinceth me of sin? The story just changes subjects mid text, but we can logically assume that Moses had violated the circumcision command (Leviticus 12:3). Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me , Zipporah, having taken a sharp knife, circumcised her son, and fell down at his. In verses 25 and 26, Zipporah calls Moses a bloody husband because of his strange and bloody procedure of circumcision. 26 So he let him go: then she said, A bloody husband thou art, because of the . Her story reminds us that flesh and blood have always been faithful reminders of Gods covenant promises. The scripture says Zipporah touched his feet, with the foreskin. I believe this caused quite a division in the family relationship. But Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin, and touched Moses feet with it, and said, Truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. Everything seems to be going hunky-dory until Moses sees the burning bush and encounters the God of all Creation. Why do that? Zipporah is the wife of Moses, given to him in marriage by her Midianite priest father. Click here to read. In an act which seems to indicate Zipporahs displeasure (in some Bible versions), she circumcises her son and touches Moses with the removed foreskin. Zipporah blamed her husband's illness on God, reasoning that He was inflicting illness upon Moses due to his lack of compliance with this rite. She knew he would have been killed by God if their son, who may have been several months old or older, remained uncircumcised. Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me, she said. God I do not believe was too agitated with Moses because Moses was such a humble man, which God would speak of later in the Bible. 2. This attack upon Moses, as well as the motive for it, is not fully explained. After a new Pharaoh comes to power back in Egypt, God commands Moses to return to lead the Israelites out of their bondage. When Zipporah saw her husband dying before her eyes at the hand of the Lord, she made a split second decision to circumcise her son and throw his foreskin at the feet of her husband. 2:16-22). Article But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Only the Midrash, the Oral Traditions of Judaism, clarifies this answer. Moses' wife Zipporah called him a "bloody husband" because of the circumcision she had to perform on their son (Exodus 4:26). Zipporah's actions give us a clue. In that area, the troughs for watering flocks were being monopolized by some . why Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband circumcision, UNANSWERED QUESTIONS TO YOUR WORD SEARCHES (CHURCH OFPHILADELPHIA), why did God want to kill Moses unless he was circumcised. OutlawBibleStudent.org. It is mentioned in Genesis, chapter 17, when God repeats his covenant of solidarity with Abraham and his descendants and explains his demands. The protagonist provided Moses with the necessary credentials he needed to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and protected his family in the process. Moses was seated at the well nearby, no doubt dressed, painted, and speaking like an Egyptian dignitary. Read the passage again and see how simple it is. This passage is rather uneventful and straightforward if we read it properly. If you are referring to Exodus 4:21-26 in King James Version then it is because his wife had to perform a circumcision of their son and she "cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his. Great I Am, light the path before us we pray. 21 And the LORD said unto Moses, When thou goest to return into Egypt, see that thou do all those wonders before Pharaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go. (e) "tetigitque pedes ejus", V. L. (f) T. Hieros. His name means "Help of my God" in Hebrew. The elders believed, and when they heard that God had heard of their afflictions and their cries, they bowed their heads and worshipped Him. Zipporah referred to Moses as a "bridegroom of blood", which seems to fit Yeshua's position: the Bridegroom of the Covenant. This is a little easier to explain the word feet is a euphemism for Moses genitals. Does the Masoretic Text Underlying the KJV omit Joshua 21:36-37? Why his feet? God told Moses to put his hand to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand became white like it was leprous. Zipporah, having circumcised her son, corrected the mistake and saved her husband, whose life was in danger due to non-observance of the commandment. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This could indicate why the protagonist threatened Moses life. (b) Maimon. Every Israelite wife and mother would have, thus, been reminded of the covenant between God and Israel, through the circumcision of her sons.4, Because Moses may not have been properly circumcised (by Hebrew custom) before marriage, Zipporah may have achieved two things by circumcising her son. Zipporah urges us to remember who we are in Christ. Romance, Passionate Love, Sexual Pleasures: What Does the Bible Say?. Why did Zipporah call Moses a bloody husband? Just click the proper button at the end of each article. He has also had articles published in The Coming Home Journal and local newspapers and has written a childrens book. Zipporah said to Moses "A bloody husband you are to me, because of the circumcision." One may wonder why God would come to Moses to kill him before he was circumcised, but I think it's a safe assumption that the Lord had told him to be circumcised but he refused. So he let him go: So, God let Moses go; God did not take his life.] Scripture References Exodus 2:21, 22; 4:24, 25; 18:1-6. And why not remind him then? God said to Abraham, As for you, you shall keep my covenant, you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. Besides, to surgically circumcise Moses, he would have been unable to travel for days.5. Zipporah immediately takes a sharp stone cuts the foreskin off of her son and throws it at the feet of Moses and declares he is a bloody husband. She, no doubt, witnessed the hesitation of Moses to act and decided to take matters into her own hands. Every time we gather for communion, her words should be told alongside Mosess, Yes, Jesus, you are a Bridegroom of blood.. Circumcision is a covenant, not a sacrifice that atones for sin. We can also safely conclude that Zipporah opposed the circumcision of her son. (LogOut/ By performing the rite, Zipporah had recovered her husband; his life was purchased for her by the blood of her child. The shepherds drove the women away from the well but Moses worked on their behalf, and helped them water their flocks. The writer asserts that perhaps the reference to blood-bridegroom reflects the custom of circumcision before marriage. Why on the 8th day? It is listed in References & Notes.11. These supplied names seem to make it easier for the reader to follow the narrative. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". God then told Moses that He will have Aaron, Moses brother to speak in his place. Start studying Bible Bowl (Exodus Chapters 1-5). (Exodus 4:21-26). There does seem to be some anger on behalf of Zipporah against Moses, throwing the bloodied foreskin at his feet, and calling him a bloody husband to me. James 1:17 says, every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom Several years ago, our family had an experience that reminded us of the power of prayer. The first concerns the meaning of the phrase bridegroom of blood which is mentioned twice in the excerpt. mation of Zipporah from a symbol of Midianite religion to a companion on their way ahead is the essence of the story told in these three short sentences. Answer (1 of 3): The verses in question are Exodus 4:24-26, the context is Moses, his wife Zipporah and their son Gershom reaching an inn on their way from Midian to Egypt to announce the plagues to the Pharaoh. Please be aware that, although the majority of posts found on this website are for general audiences, there may be certain controversial, mature, or adult content. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If it was, she would not say he was a bloody husband because it would be an expectation that he should be circumcised. Aaron met Moses at Mount Horeb, which is also a range in Sinai, the mountain of the Lord, and Moses told him all the things the Lord had told him to say and do. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. She called Moses a "bloody husband" because of the circumcision. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. After God brought His people out of Egypt through the leadership of Moses, Jethro reunites Moses and his family in Exodus 18:5-6. It would also appear that she had successfully persuaded Moses to go along with her in refusing to circumcise the child. So she does what she has to do. Zipporah regarded the bloody rites of her husbands religion as cruel and barbarous, and cast the foreskin of her son at his feet, as though he were a Moloch requiring a bloody offering. (LogOut/ This is my covenant, which you shall keep, between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. Rev. We are going to take a closer look at Zipporah, wife of Moses. But why did Zipporah say that Moses is a "bridegroom [or husband] of blood"? The action was petulant and reproachful. Should the Bible include Acts 8:37: "And Philip said, If. These people he was going to save were his own people, Gods chosen people by blood. here, moses is an analogy of christ, who is our "bloody husband."; i'm not sure what the foreskin represents. Zipporah had borne two sons to Moses, but he had failed to perform circumcision on his sons. morter, brick, and all manner of service in the field. God said that if the children of Israel would not believe the first sign, they will believe the second. Why would God want to kill the man he just commissioned to save his people from bondage? God told Moses that those who sought his life in Egypt, meaning especially Pharoah, had died. Having a break between verse 23 and 24 is not necessarily wrong because there seems to be a chronological break between the two verses (e.g. Name MeaningA Midian name, Zipporah means "a little bird," "a sparrow."Wilkinson observes that "the feminine termination ah added to the common word Zippor, which is also the father of Balak, king of Moab." Such a name like "dove" or "lamb" would originally be a . God told Moses in time that he will take water from the Nile and pour it on dry land, and the water and the river will become like blood. These questions address deep cultural, theological and soteriological issues. In Numbers 12:1, she also is called a Cushite ("black" or ancient "Ethiopian") woman. The narrative is obscure, but the meaning seems to be, that, led during his illness to a strict self-examination, he was deeply pained and grieved at the thought of having, to please his wife, postponed or neglected the circumcision of one of his sons, probably the younger. Orange Is The New Black Season 8 Renewed Or Cancelled? In Hebrew, her name means bird or little bird. We first meet Zipporahwho later became Mosess wifeat a well in her hometown of Midian. 2. Look for the lock in the address bar. It would be rivaled soon after as the blood of the Egyptian children ran cold at the final plague, as the blood of lambs was smeared on the doorposts of the Hebrew households that first Passover, and with the bloodying of the sea as the waters closed over the Egyptian army. Zipporah called Moses a bloody husband out of disgust. The immediate question is, Why is Moses not performing the circumcision? The answer is that Moses had to hold on to the son so that the son would stay still. She also seems to be angry because of the circumcision requirement, pointing to the possibility that her and Moses may have had a conversation and possibly an argument about it, ending in her refusal to allow it. We are first introduced to Zipporah in Exodus 2:16, as a shepherdess, one of Jethros seven daughters. The long donkey ride on the way to Egypt left Zipporah, Moses, and their two children wanting for a good nights rest. The protagonist speaks to Moses and Zipporah feels that her family is being threatened and does what she can to save her husband and/or her children. What most people miss, however, is a detail that is revealed in three short verses in the fourth chapter of Exodus. Note: Page 340 of the source. Yore Dea, Hilchot Milah, c. 264. sect. Zipporah was one of seven Midianite sisters that mistook Moses for an Egyptian after he saved them from the men at the well (Exodus 2:16-19). (m) This act was extraordinary: for Moses was very sick and God even then required it. Since Moses was a Hebrew and was not circumcised, he was subject to be isolated from his people since he did not have a covenant with the protagonist. How did circumcision avert God's wrath? And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that the LORD met him, and sought to kill him. Moreover, the failure to be circumcised is punishable by exclusion from the Abrahamic covenant, not death (Genesis 17:14). Well, to answer that question, we need a little more background information. The term bloody husband is merely Zipporahs criticism of a husband who performs an apparently strange and bloody procedure. sect. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I still wonder who warned Zipporah. And it came to pass by the way in the inn, that The Lord met hi. Exodus 4:24-26: "On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the Lord met him and tried to kill him. Through Zipporahs quick-thinking actions, she evoked the covenant by demonstration so Moses would remember his roots. A bloody husband - Literally, "a husband of blood," or "bloods." Though she at first had gone with Moses after he was called by God . "Devolvit ipse acuto sibi pondera silice." Verse 24 says that the LORD met Pharaohs firstborn son in an inn and determined (sought) to kill him. In fact, she may have discouraged the practice in her own way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This is a text widget, which allows you to add text or HTML to your sidebar. On the way, at a place where they spent the night, the LORD met him and tried to kill him. Another example is when Abraham said to his servant, Put your hand under my thigh and I will make you swear by the LORD, the God of heaven and earth, that you will not get a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I live. We who are in Christ cannot deny the sacrifice, the pain, the very life that runs through our souls in the blood of Christ, our resurrected Lord. These speculative answers flirt with unscriptural principles. Still, she was angry and flung the foreskin at "his feet," and said in Exodus 4:25 KJV, "'Surely a bloody husband art thou to me.'". She called Moses a "bloody husband" because of the circumcision. At first glance, the relationship between Zipporah and Moses looks like the familiar boy-rescues-girl tale. Description: In verses 25 and 26, Zipporah calls Moses a "bloody husband" because of his strange and bloody procedure of circumcision. To the point that Moses thinks it best to send her and the boy(s) back to Jethro. The standard explanation is that Moses had not circumcised his son, as Jehovah had ordered for all descendants of Abraham. The word Zipporah comes from the Hebrew tsipporah (Strong's Concordance #H6855) which means "a bird." Although her name is listed only a few times, her interactions with one of the most famous men in . Moses becomes her "bridegroom," her newly-acquired husband, because they both were culturally new persons. The story of Moses being born to a Hebrew, hidden from the Pharaohs men until he was three months old, placed in a homemade basket on the Nile River, and found and raised by Pharaohs daughter is one of the most famous tales from the Old Testament. Thank you for the explanation in simple terms. Lastly, one final question that I asked as I read the passage was what the situation symbolizes in relation to the entire text. Her father Jethro was the priest of Midian, and it was he that gave Zipporah to Moses to marry. All rights reserved. On the flip side, if the protagonist is all-mighty as He states, the circumcision alone- an act of obedience and surrender- could render the preservation of their lives. Moses' brother, Aaron, married a woman named Elisheba . With the prowess of The Lion Kings Mufasa to his son, Simba, Zipporahs actions roar, Remember who you are. You, Moses, are of the bloodline of Abraham. The difficult questions asked by scholars are easily answered, and some of them simply become irrelevant. The NIV and other translations that try to help the reader by replacing pronouns with names actually cause a stumbling block to the proper understanding of this passage. Moses went to Jethro, his father in law, and asked him to let him go so he could go to his brothers in Egypt. As such, you should have circumcised your son soon after his birth. Leave comments at the end, after References & Notes. Zipporah in the Bible was the wife of Moses and the daughter of Jethro, the priest of Midian. The threat of death was not on Moses but on Pharaoh's son. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. Thats who we are: dead because of our sins and alive because of Christ, through his life and by his blood. In fact, shes only mentioned three times in scripture. But Zipporah took a flint and cut off her sons foreskin, and touched Moses feet with it, and said, Truly you are a bridegroom of blood to me! So he let him alone. Crucifixion thoughts & How did they get the nails out? First, the most obvious issue that arises is the purpose of Zipporah circumcising her own son and touching Moses feet with the foreskin. Verses 22-26 are summarized as follows: In verses 22-23, God tells Moses that God would kill Pharaohs firstborn son. The name Gershom means foreigner. This leads to another point that perhaps the word foot is euphemistic for Moses genitals. God bless us all! After functioning as a social worker for many years, she went on to become the first African American female to graduate from Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan, with both the master of divinity and doctorate of ministry degrees. Exodus 4:25-26 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. The meaning is: The marriage bond between us is now sealed by blood. Exodus 4:25 (WYC) Zipporah took anon a most sharp stone, and circumcised the rod of her son; and she touched Moses? In order to complete his assignment, Moses had to die. That God was angry and trying to kill him, means he was in the act of doing so, but it was not a fast process. It does not seem to me that she was opposed to the circumcision. 25 Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cut off the foreskin of her son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Surely a bloody husband art thou to me. Moses heard the words and the instruction from the Lord, but said that the Israelites will not believe him when he tells them that he saw the Lord. Ask Anything. In the Bible, Zipporah is called two things. In Exodus 2 Moses marries Zipporah, a Gentile, who gives birth to Gershom. Why would such drastic measures be necessary? Most would probably agree that Moses grew up to be a great leader. And in the Book of Ruth, it says, When he lies down, observe the place where he lies; then, go and uncover his feet and lie down; and he will tell you what to do, (Ruth 3:4).8. Some translations might be easier to read, but they may not be easier to understand. While she is introduced early in Exodus, very little is said about her. God told Moses to cast the rod to the ground, and it became a serpent. She felt that this was God's way of showing His. Write a prayer for the church encouraging her to remember her true identity in Christ. Moses and Zipporah went on to have two little boys together. Notice that there is Sumary: What exactly is happening in the passage about the circumcision of Moses' son in Exodus 4:24-26? When Zipporah and her sisters spotted Moses the first time, they thought he was an Egyptian, and in many ways they were right. Source: Anacalypsis (London: : Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, Paternoster Row) 1836 A.D. (LogOut/ What did Zipporah do to Moses? Because of his kindness, Jethro tells his daughters to invite him for the meal. Wait. Yes, yes. Zipporah, daughter of Jethro Reuel of Midian, was the wife of Moses. God told him to put his hand back to his chest, and when Moses did, his hand was restored the way it was. Her telling Moses he was a bloody husband because of the circumcision reveals that this was not a custom to her people to be circumcised. To understand the appellation and the circumstance leading up to Zipporah's use of it, we will look back about 400 years: Genesis ends with Joseph as the prime minister of Egypt who, by God's providence, saved Egypt from the famine and welcomed all his . What action can you take to remind the church of her true identity? ', 24 At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him. Zipporah casts the foreskin at Moses feet and calls him a bloody husband simply because she is disgusted by the bloody procedure of circumcision. Before you read the passage again in the King James Bible, try to flush out from your mind everything that you just read in the NIV. In verse 23 God had pronounced a judgment upon Pharaohs son, but it may have been obvious to Moses that Gods judgment affects not only the king of Egypt but all the Egyptians. Moses had been in the household of Pharaoh in Egypt since infancy. Dr. Denise Kingdom Grier is the Pastor of Mobilization and Renewal at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville, Michigan. From the material I have read, it looks like Zipporah put some pressure on her hubby not to circumcise the boy. Answer. The original Hebrew only has pronouns such as he and him in those places. And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me? ((c) Maimon. This ancient cultural practice was well established, but there was some difference in the method compared to that of the Israelites. Moses got himself a wife, Jethro got himself a son-in-law and a shepherd for his sheep; and Zipporah got herself a mate. Copyright The Sentinel | https://www.lewistownsentinel.com | 352 Sixth Street, Lewistown, PA 17044 | 717-248-6741, And it came to pass, at the encampment (inn), that the Lord met him and sought to kill him., And the uncircumcised male child, who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant., Surely you are a husband of blood to me., And Jethro, Moses father-in-law came with his sons and his wife to Moses in the wilderness., I am coming to you with your wife and her two sons.. Everything about him was Egyptian, except for one thing. Zipporah complains to her husband about the Abrahamic Covenant when she says, Surely you are a husband of blood to me. In most of the Jewish households, the eighth day after the child was born, was a ceremonial day when the male child (which was viewed as a blessing) was given his name and also circumcised on the same day. . (Genesis 17:9-12a). If you have any suggestions and queries you can contact us on the below details. The Bible states that the Lord, while Moses was in Midian, told him to go back to Egypt (Exodus 4:19). Source: The New International Encyclopdia, Volume 11 (Dodd, Mead) 1911 A.D. the Lord met him, and sought to kill himthat is, he was either overwhelmed with mental distress or overtaken by a sudden and dangerous malady. You can see our basic rules for comments by clicking The Fine Print on the top menu bar. If we read the preceding verses, we see that this occurs after God had just given Moses instructions as to what to say to Pharaoh. God let Moses go ; God did not take his life in Egypt, meaning especially Pharoah had. Second wife Bible Bowl ( Exodus Chapters 1-5 ) he will have,... Some difference in the process to perform circumcision on his sons Zipporah is called two things of circumcision marriage! ( Exodus 4:19 ) compared to that of the circumcision of one or both Moses. 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Follow the narrative, Zipporahs actions roar, remember who we are first introduced Zipporah. We read it properly stored in your details below or click an icon to log in: you a. Cultural, theological and soteriological issues to power back in Egypt, meaning especially Pharoah had! By his blood in three short verses in the category `` Functional '' sisters... Custom of circumcision why is Moses & # x27 ; brother, Aaron, Moses had die! Established, but he had failed to perform circumcision on why did zipporah call moses a bloody husband sons bush and the... Him to go back to Egypt left Zipporah, wife of Moses, as Jehovah had ordered for descendants!

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