I really question its worth. Recommended Reading: What To Do If You Have Herpes 2. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. (This is one pass) This process is then repeated 10 times giving you up to 140.000 mcg of ozone. It can treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. The procedure is performed in a very slow manner of 10 ml at a time over the course of around 1 hour or longer. They feel embarrassed, ashamed and beside themselves because the diagnosing doctor usually tells them there is nothing you can do about it its for life. Oxygen/ O3 mixture was also found to prolong the appearance of arrhythmia induced by potassium chloride, aconitine, etc., in laboratory animals like rats. Lahody/Rowen Modified High Dose Ozone Therapy. As a comparison, the hyperbaric Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) supplies around 150 ml of ozone at a concentration of around 40 ug/ml, which amounts to a total ozone dosage of around 6,000 ug or 6 mg. Since certain foods may help with the recovery, and other prohibited foods in the diet may escalate the disease or cause a relapse. If doctors been using Zotzman and Herrmann forever for perform MAHs, the change between a MAH and a pass would be the oxygen added? It has been recognized that HSV-1 herpes infection can be transmitted to the genital area via oral sex. Hi Evelyn, This would certainly be interesting. Has there been any research to make sure the dose of ozone is not too much and not inducing any genotoxic harm? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It's the only thing that'll clean heavy metals out of mitochondria. Herpes is caused by having skin contact with someone who is infected, whether vaginal, oral, or anal. This article has listed and explained what is 10 Pass Ozone therapy, its modus operandi , the medical equipment required and how 10 Pass ozone treatment specifically helps in treating Herpes and Lyme. I don't know. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Go to Herpes r/Herpes by . Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. or even high dose of no more than 500 ml of o3. What is 10 Pass IV Ozone Therapy? So if you had done it the way he suggests from the start, chances are you could have been recovered by now. If you are pregnant, you might expose the baby during birth, which can cause complications like brain damage and blindness. Someone free quickly to take care of my health. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. The 10-pass is a very powerful and safe treatment. Human herpesviruses are a family of pathogens that play an outsized role in inflicting pain and misery on people everywhere.Herpes simplex type 1 is responsible for oral herpes, or cold sores. Make sure you choose your time zone. This oxygenation decreases the viruses that cause herpes, HPV and Hepatitis C. Several methods complement ozone therapy in the treatment of various health conditions. 8,359 views Jan 14, 2021 198 Dislike Share Save LIVV IV Lounge 1.41K subscribers Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1)- This type. i saw generator of 10 pass. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I am scheduled for my first 10 Pass treatment this Wednesday, 1/17/18. Thanks. Depending on how severe a patients outbreaks are will determine the ideal treatment protocol. Ozone Therapy | Dr. Dan's Natural Healing Center An allergic reaction to heparin such as rashes, swelling, and itchiness, Pain caused by the effect of detoxification, Difficulty breathing due to oxygen infusion in the lungs. For the most part, conventional medicine offers no cure for herpes, other than medication to ease the symptoms. The doctors I'm seeing disagree with each other and I'm trying to find a way to get well before going broke. This treatment can be administered at a maximum frequency of 3 sessions per week. Thanks for you site without it I would not have known about ten pass, Hi Andy The Ozone High Dose is not a home application. There is all of kinds of treatments out there to remove the viens, ect but nothing related to unclogging the arteries. Herpes Simplex virus 1 (oral herpes) typically manifests as raised red blisters around the mouth and lips. Is that what you mean? It is worth [while for it] to be popularized. Instead of 1.5 passes, 10 passes are completed at a higher concentration. When it comes to herpes, ozone therapy can potentially eradicate the virus from the body, allowing you to live free from the fear of outbreaks and embarrassing moments. I heard about the 10 pass and I want to do it. To learn more about medical ozone therapy please go to our official website. where can I go for ozone therapy to help kill the hsv1&2 I live in Canada but will go anywhere, Your email address will not be published. I was perfectly treated since three years up to last month when I had an anaphylactic reaction. The cost of ozone therapy ranges from about $70 for intestinal administration up to about $600 for hyperbaric 10-pass blood ozonation therapy. The blood is rapidly returned to the patient. She only did gentle swishing[s]. Admittedly, it is often difficult to figure out what it is one is dealing with: a Herx or a heparin side effect? Taking drugs to treat symptoms only trains your body to rely on a temporary forced chemical reaction.It makes sense to use systemic ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes because ozone therapy doesnt force your body to do anything. Orlando Ozone Oxidative Therapies - IV Suite in Orlando, Florida Typically, genital herpes is signified by sore or ulcers in the areas around the vagina, penis, buttocks, and thighs. Did the patient receive any other treatments like glutathione or chelation IVs prior or post the 10 pass? What that means is that using Ozone can make almost every part of your body more durable, higher functioning, and less prone to potential future . Typically genital herpes are caused by HSV-2 however in recent times there has been a trend of HSV-1 causing genital herpes in young adults. If I did it at Cutler's speed, I'd be dead by nowhis advice is great for folks who don't have doctor supervision. And the amount of heparin administered during 10 pass is excessive, it's 20,000 units. Ozone is anti-microbial and thus helps fight pathogens like bacteria, fungi, viruses etc. Sharing a toothbrush, straw or utensils can spread oral herpes just as easily as kissing on the lips. You ask questions that seem off the wall, but made total sense when you showed me what you found in my structure. Because ozone is a potent antioxidant, it destroys the virus that causes herpes. Then well explore the possibility of using ozone therapy for herpes. Ozone Therapy: 10 Pass Ozone- The ULTIMATE Ozone Therapy Kindle Edition. How often did you do the 10 pass and how long did it take for you to receive a negative igg score ? Have you heard of any MSA paitents undergoing ozone treatment? It has a more modern look and a built-in photometer but has shown to nevertheless produce less reliable ozone concentrations than its competitor model {Update August 2018: NOT CORRECT!! Ozone is able to benefit so many different kinds of people with different health issues for a number of reasons that we talk about deeper in our Free Ozone Guide, but the main reason is because Ozone can stimulate anti-oxidant production in your body. At the later stage, patients experience elevated inflammatory cytokines. If one administers more than 500ml, it has to go extremely slowly, since the more gas is infused, the more the risk of colon rupture increases. Contrary to the stigma, herpes as a whole is not primarily a sexually transmitted disease. Also, make sure to drink plenty of water. It does this by killing the viral capsid (shell) as well as destroying its reproductive cycle. Ozone therapy works in several ways: It boosts the immune system when necessary, or calms it down when it is overactive. But how does ozone reinfuse the body with the energy needed to fight disease and illness? This speeds up the process considerably. Trigeminal Neuralgia, local doctors may have found the cure, https://medicalozone.info/wp-content/uploads/rhp1.movie_.mp4, What Foods To Eat To Prevent Herpes Outbreaks, How Soon After Exposure To Herpes Can You Get Tested, Exposure to HSV at mucosal surfaces or abraded skin sites permits viral entry and replication in cells of the epidermis and dermis, During latency, HSV is maintained in a repressed state compatible with the cells survival and normal activities, Infection can be sign of sexual abuse in children, During latency, HSV is maintained in a repressed state compatible with the cells survival and normal activities. Colon cancer is curable. Ozone - Alpine Integrated Medicine - aim-for-health Conclusion: Topical ozone therapy in patients with herpes zoster is helpful in relieving pain, shortening the course as well as improving the clinical efficacy without obvious adverse reactions. Do You Have To Tell Someone You Have Herpes, Whats The Difference Between Genital Warts And Herpes, Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Herpes Outbreak. I would rather to BOOO: https://thepowerofozone.com///how-to-guides/how-to-breathe-ozone-bubbled-through-olive-oil-guide-with-pictures/. I feel great and am mobile, pain free again. The infection is usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 , but can sometimes be caused by type 1 , which more commonly affects the mouth and lips. One 10 pass treatment can cure multiple ailments. Herpes virus is usually of two types- herpes type 1 (oral herpes) and herpes type 2 (genital herpes). Hi Ozone Therapy in Medicine: Conditions Treatable, Types, and Effects Ozone therapy is a well-researched and long-practiced form of treatment that addresses the root of disease and poor health, instead of just the symptoms. But the procedure during the 10 Pass is very similar. You need to join the Facebook group Ozone to Health. If you have any questions regarding the 10 pass, let me know in the comments below. It is used to treat infections, inflammation, auto-immune disease, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and multiple neurologic conditions including Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain and spinal cord inflammation of various types. I have been using ozone for over 13 years, Ive chelated with the ACC program for close to 5 years and Ive been carnivore for nearly 1.5 years. I'm about to post a second part of the article where I will address exactly this question. Hi Paola, is there only one needle size recommended for the 10-pass or can the next size down needle be used? Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of a qualified licensed medical professional. On the other hand, HSV-1 increases the risk of acquiring other types of infection because of a weakened immune system. He concludes this from the observation that chronic wounds sometimes heal within 48 hours of the Ozone High Dose, which is the same result one achieves from an injection of cultured stem cells. It eliminates pathogens, cleanses the blood stream, which cleanses the liver and kidneys and other organs. just wondering as with radiation the negative effects like cancer often only show up years later, obviously the patient feels no bad effects during a ct scan. At least 50 million people in the U.S. alone are infected. Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better. Ozone High-Dose Therapy (OHT) - Sound Clinic | Integrative Healthcare This is done as 10 Pass Ozone therapy for Lyme works by selectively killing only the affected cells. It is almost exclusively transmitted sexually. The procedure uses pressure, which protects red blood cells from damage, allowing them to remain intact until re-infusion. Can you give me references of such a doctor near France. It was developed by Dr Johann Lahadony and Dr Arul. The body knows how to cure the cancer. Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. Any other treatment procedure like antivirals etc. There is a doctor in Spain, in Pontevedra actually, do you have any references about him??? The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. With psoriasis the improvement could actually be permanent . It makes sense to use systemic ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes because ozone therapy doesnt force your body to do anything. The results of Ozone therapy also point to a reduction of viral infectivity. Miles said the doctor he used was Dr. Birch in Santa Barbara. I am a very new Ozone practitioner. the way I see it is extraordinary claims should be backed up by extraordinary evidence. It can also be used to treat Lyme disease, shingles, recurrent herpes simplex, influenza and pneumonia. Neonatal herpes is rare, occurring in an estimated 10 out of every 100 000 births globally. Ever since the late 80's when thanks to ozone, I recovered from Lyme disease I have been a strong proponent of ozone therapies. I have several more sessions booked (treating Lyme). I am a strong advocate and supporter and attest to the power of Ozone. The technician never once removed the bottle from the hook and vigorously shook it. Who was performing the demo with which machine? tell me where in Europe you are and I can send you some addresses of practitioners in your area, if I know of any. In ozone high dose therapy, which is sometimes called ten pass ozone therapy, the same process is repeated up to 10 times in one setting, hence the "10 pass." Because of its increased dosage and potency, OHT is not something that can be simply "jumped into," but rather may be worked up to. Afterwards, the blood is reinserted into the patient using positive pressure. Im just wondering..I have a relative who just had colon cancer operation, and is now continuing with the chemo sessions. The main benefit of opting for rectal ozone therapy is the ability to achieve higher levels of oxygen in the gut and liver. Often, what is an obvious heparin reaction is explained away by the doctor as a Herxheimer reaction. 10 Pass - EBOO & PEMF Therapy Cancer Treatment I've tried many alternative therapies before and now, I hope so much of 10-pass . Taking into consideration the amount or percentage of the amino acids Arginine and Lysine in each recommended recipe. How can one determine effectiveness ? Chelation therapy works quite slowly through a number of infusions, and adding ozone can speed this process up. Discovering that you have herpes can cause deep feelings of shame and embarrassment. Ozone Therapy NYC - Tree of Life Acupuncture Hi Learner, 10 Pass / EBOO / RHP Therapy is Transforming The Way We Detox Our Patients & The Healing / Disease Curing Capacity of Biological Medicine -It's a Radical Treatment that Provides Radical Results! Another paper documented the effectiveness of ozonated oil in a patient with zoster. What are the advantages of the 10 pass ozone treatment? If it is overactive, it will dampen it. Thanks for a very clear, informative article. Our Medical Director's Ozone Therapy Certification. But, it's urgent as I don't have any treatment anymore and I risk a violent reaction of my body in the next three months. 10 Pass Ozone therapy for Lyme aids the process of killing of bacteria, spirochetes, viruses and fungus. Ozone has got the capacity to deactivate any pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and yeast and promotes the healing of oral mucosal lesions. Ozone therapy also helps get rid of unhealthy, infected cells in the body. This form of treatment utilizes 46 times more ozone than regular ozone IV therapy. Another approach is to give patients one OHT per week for 10 weeks. My daughter is getting IV ozone and ultra-violet blood irradiation treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, an adult can pass the virus to a child by pecking them on the lips. I have a 20 years old son with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Thanks. The infection is life-long and often goes unrecognized because the infection is often subclinical and asymptomatic. You then said youd fix me right up and proceeded to do just that! Ozone Therapy using ozone gas via colon anima reduces inflammation and pain in the body as well as normalizes digestion and helps your gut health (by killing parasites, bacteria, fungi and reducing the viral load in the body). Do you have questions regarding the treatment itself or Dr. Lahodny? It's clearly opinioned the DIV's effect is more. Top 10 Best Ozone Therapy in Miami, FL - March 2023 - Yelp Taking drugs to treat symptoms only trains your body to rely on a temporary forced chemical reaction.It makes sense to use systemic ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes because ozone therapy doesnt force your body to do anything. You listen. I was on early disability due to migraines. Approximately one out of six people between the ages of 14-49 years in the U.S. have genital HSV-2 infection. Using ozone therapy for herpes just helps your body do its job better. Unlike with normobaric ozone IVs, where the mechanical movement of the patients blood causes trauma to the cells. I have an educated doctor, and he ran the tests. This pressure protects the red blood cells from damage. I am now referring everyone to him. Ozone greatly enhances mitochondrial activity. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Rod. The one which Dr. Lahondy, a doctor with 50 years of experience, says can cure nearly 100% of all diseases? The two such therapies that can improve ones health condition and cells are bioresonance therapy and Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF). What is the 10 pass ozone treatment? Has anyone tried this? This is done to safely deliver ozone gas in the patients body. (720) 899-4770. I wont ever forget this experience and the kindness you have shown me! It does show that ozone therapys limits are not written in stone, and are continuously being explored. I was trained by an Austrian doctor who has been treating himself and patients for 50 years, and his co-presenter has been studying medical applications in Cuba for 30 years! Ozone therapy simply boosts the natural defense mechanisms your body already has in place. Ozone therapy: Uses, benefits, and side effects - Medical News Today The price for 4 week IV Ozone Therapy Protocol can go up to $ 7000. You took the time to explain how my pelvis and hip were affecting my legs. I moved to Tucson for the weather and dry air hoping that would help. This therapy also ensures that the current status of important electrolytes and other micro-nutrients is maintained in the patients body. If you suffer from any of the above conditions, or are curious about the effect of EBOO on your condition, please contact the American Regenerative Clinic to find out if EBOO is right for you. Injections were performed daily and were stopped at complete healing (except in 5 patients of the Herpes Zoster group and in 3 of the Herpes Simplex group which broke up therapy before ending; see below). While several other methods of ozone therapy are available, EBOO offers the most efficient treatment in the world up to date. All over the world, Ozone has been used to cure infections that normally cannot be fixed as in the case of Herpes. You state and illustrate the bottle has to be vigorously shaken in the Hyperbaric MAH. You should, therefore, let your doctor know if you are allergic to this blood thinner, have elevated blood potassium levels or uncontrollable bleeding. It may be surprising, then, to discover that many doctors actually use ozone therapy as a treatment for herpes. Therefore, he added additional organic products for stress and anxiety. A doctor or a trained professional should oversee the therapy. What is the Facebook group in which there is a list of drs who do 10 pass ft or 500$ ? Ozone can be mixed with water and taken orally, exposed to withdrawn and reinjected into the body, or inserted into a body cavity such as the rectum or vagina. Click Here to Download the Guide to Ozone Therapy. At between the sixth and eighth pass, I develop discomfort in the lungs due to outgassing of excess oxygen as stated in the article. HSV-1 is mainly transmitted through oral contact . I only wish Id listened sooner! An instructional video showing how to perform a hyperbaric MAH on the Zotzmann 2000. However, in immunocompromised hosts, infections can cause life-threatening complications. This can have dramatic adverse reactions: http://cutlersuccessstories.weebly.com/what-not-to-do.html Ozone is being used successfully in more than 50 countries and for around more than 70 years to treat various health conditions including herpes. Medical Ozone Therapy for Herpes Virus - What Does The Science Say? Herpes virus can stay in the body and be active to transmit without even showing any symptoms. Looking purely at the total ozone administered, for sure nothing beats the 10 Pass method. Hi Paola, This website serves as a resource for those who are interested in ozone therapy and other approaches to successfully manage chronic conditions. the recommended butterfly needle size is 18G, but some use 19G or evern 20G. For patients who are suitable candidates, we offer an in-office therapy known at Ozone 10 pass treatment. 10-Pass/Hyperbaric Ozone | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums However, signs and symptoms do not always show in HSV-1 infections. The ozone is a potent antioxidant, that destroys the herpes virus by rupturing its viral capsid and disrupting its reproductive cycle. Hi! If you are already suffering from other ailments, your condition may be worsened if you become infected with a herpes virus. this also gave me a boost." more. Lets examine the medical facts before we jump to conclusions about being hopeless about Herpes.Herpes Simplex type 1 and 2, commonly know as genital herpes is one of the most common infective causes of genital ulceration in developed countries. I have multiple infections and IGG 1 and 3 subclass deficiencies. Everyday I get calls from potential patients who were diagnosed with Herpes 2 infections. About 12 percent of the U.S. population aged 14-49 is infected, about 500 million throughout the world.Symptoms of genital herpes can be eased with antiviral drugs. have you been correctly informed about the possible side effects of the 10 Pass which arise from the high dosages of heparin and the possible Herxheimer reactions? UVBI. I own several ozone generators including a German hyperbaric 10 Pass machine. Alzheimer's / dementia is always a good reason to check for mercury toxicity . This therapy is used in addition to the conventional medical treatments. He is loosing his mobility gradually. I now understand why so many told me to see him. Medical-grade ozone is produced by applying an electric discharge to oxygen. 10 Pass Ozone Treatment: What Is It? | The Power of Ozone In fact, statistics show that one out of every six Americans has genital herpes. The Ozon 2000 costs around US$ 12,000, plus a $3,000 training fee. {so why pay more for less ?}. He says that best results are achieved with a combination of both methods. About four years ago I heard of the work of one Johann Lahodny, MD of Austria who had pushed the envelope to 10 passes of blood (200 cc each) at 14,000 mcg ozone each pass. Have you been retested since? Ozone Therapy - Sano Via Wellness - Toronto wellness and ozone clinic It turns out he was pushing ALA IVs on his patients and at least one member of our group and at least one of them got badly hurt by it. Hi Ron, Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. It has the provision to supply the body with a large amount of ozone in a shorter time. Specific therapeutic applications of ozone therapy include the treatment of circulatory problems, viral diseases, ulcers, AIDS, certain forms of cancer, burns, wounds, scars, gangrene and liver disease. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. A cleansing therapy for enhanced circulation & killing microbes herpes, bacteria, mold, fungus, parasites Ozone therapy stimulates a small, mild, acute oxidative stress on the body, very similar to fasting and exercise This triggers the production & release of the body's own antioxidants Otherwise known as 10-Pass is a way to safely deliver ozone to the body by using a vacuum technique to remove about 200 ml of a patient's heparinized blood (so the blood does not clot), mixing this blood in a sterile glass bottle with ozone which is then infused back into the patient. The rectal administration with high ozone dosages la Lahodny is NOT a substitute for the intravenous OTH, although the Austrian doctor claims that its effect is close. I read of a guy who went to the same facility I went to he had ozone therapy everyday for 6 months. Systemic ozone treatments have been shown to benefit the entire body by attacking free radicals and optimizing blood oxygenation. Other mercury poisoned people get benefit from it. Do you know if any has been cured , specifically got rid off the clog in the vein with Ozone therapy? Once the bag is filled with 200 to 220 ml of blood, a positive pressure is created inside the bottle. So your body does the work of fighting off the herpes virus. The 10 Pass / EBOO / RHP method draws the blood from one arm, through a glass ozone chamber being fed continuous fresh ozone, then returned to the other arm. A Case of Suspected Gas Embolism After an Incorrect DIV Ozone Injection. See you next week!