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general stewart ship 1950 passenger list

MLS three young children in the street, walking toward the camera, they smile, continue walking until they are out of frame, then the camera captures them from behind, continuing their walk through the barren streets of the destroyed city of Warsaw. Market, Barbican stairs, crowded square and church. Julien Bryan's notes do not indicate the ethnicity, nationality, or religious preference of the DPs, but they are probably a mix of ethnic Germans, Poles, and Jews. Float proclaiming "Thank You Marshall" with girls dressed in white passes the camera. MS, a horsedrawn carriage passes a palace in Warsaw. Austrian civilians gather to look at the window displays featuring information about industry and farming in the US. The men continue to point towards the sky, as they head underground, one man takes still photos. Younger girls walk along a country road in Saxony, stake a flag, eat lunch, read, nap, and perform silly skits. CUs of Czech language booklets. . LS, amusements along river - children playing. Women exit a building. Several establishing shots of streets, etc, mostly new buildings, signs for construction and construction companies are visible, all the buildings are modern, cement block highrises. Now in a village, CUs of Polish children - looking at camera, digging in the dirt, and eating dumplings. Title "Eine Tr Steht Offen" MS, from low angle. 01:11:12 More street scenes of Warsaw, showing a kiosk full of advertisements and a flower vendor. LS, MSs of the new city hospital with 800 beds. General C.H. Sequence of outtakes. Man sitting in cell with bars on the window. TRIMS featuring a train that has stopped at an unknown station in Poland, the train picks up several passengers: men, women, and children, and continues along the tracks slowly out of the station. JB shows a crowd his "Siege" book, next to his automobile. Catholic statuary in the hospital, CUs of beds filled with rubble, a Virgin Mary statue on a bed, a palm tree. US military personnel mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with luggage, guiding the refugees through this stage of the emigration process. 01:06:06 Children eating, kindergarten. Outdoor marketplace, CUs of vegetables. Different kinds of dried and canned food (supplies from abroad). Gas station. Berlin - Kindergarten scenes at the famous and historic Pestalozzi Froebel Haus, part of the Pestalozzi educational movement. Two young men are recruited by a Polish soldier to help with the digging. INT, hospital scenes- a pregnant woman lies in a hospital ward- these are scenes from the Catholic hospital that was destroyed in Warsaw during the German air attacks in September of 1939. She maintained this pattern until being placed in Reduced Operational Status at New York 29 April 1955. Beach. 01:04:27 VS of dockworkers at the port of Linz (on the Danube River in Austria), loading and unloading other ships and barges with raw materials. Reaching Norfolk 11 July, she sailed the 22d to Leghorn, Italy, where she arrived 5 August to embark troops for redeployment in the Pacific. CU of Jozefa (seen earlier), praying in field adjacent to the small church. Crowded train platform, several bourgeois looking families are boarding the trains, some soldiers are also on the platform, some help the women and children board. Men salute from the stands. A young woman writes a Walt Whitman quote in English on a chalkboard. Painted murals on church. 01:21:20 Polish planes fly over Warsaw as part of the ceremonies. 01:15:12 Kayakers. They have wooden wheels, etc. Reel 3A MS in a large park of women, there are several women gathered in a central location in the park, all have babies in baby carriages. Men work among ruins. Cut to a MLS of bombed out buildings, a soldier and a young boy mill about in the BG, frame right. The peasant women turns and takes a break from gathering to look at the camera. union castle line passenger lists south africa union castle line passenger lists south africa CU, luggage. VS: reconstruction of buildings in Prague. INT, MCU a streetcar full of passengers in Warsaw. 01:00:40 and 01:03:40 -- Another banner over the deck of the ship reads: "Ship to freedom" with DPs, including John (Ivan) Poliszczuk. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Immigrant Records at the National Archives, list of all the digitized records available on our partners' websites, USCIS Freedom of Information Act Program (FOIA). Because of the nature of the work involved on the vessel, OSHA believed it had the authority to enforce its regulations aboard the barge. City streets and important buildings in Warsaw. VS dancing. The Bucknerwas formerly known as the transport Admiral E. W. Eberle. LS, large, open plaza. name and address of relatives they are joining in the U.S. Data Files Relating to the Immigration of Russians to the United States, documenting the period 1834 - 1897, Records for Passengers Who Arrived at the Port of New York During the Irish Famine, documenting the period 1/12/1846 - 12/31/1851, Data Files Relating to the Immigration of Germans to the United States, documenting the period 1850 - 1897, Data Files Relating to the Immigration of Italians to the United States, documenting the period 1855 - 1900. CU sign "Polska YMCA". (06:44) Street in Prague with trolley going by. CU of the operator at the helm in uniform, followed by shots of this train from various angles, men with briefcases board this single car train at an outdoor station. Men and women gathered in a room with bookshelves, looking at a booklet together. Two men, a woman, and a dog in the car. 01:08:42 A large group of adults sit outside and listen to an instructor. The girls pose alone for the camera. Older man using oxen to run a grain threshing machine. Various shots of little children. Shot of the harbor along the Baltic Sea. EXT, factory with smokestacks (minor film damage). In 3), Bonded Passengers to America (Volumes I and II) 1615-1775 & 1617-1775, The Original Lists of Persons of Quality: Emigrants; Religious Exiles; Political Rebels; Serving Men Sold for a Term of Years; Apprentices; Children Stolen; Maidens Pressed; and Others Who Went from Great Britain to the American Plantations, 1600-1700, with Their Ages, the Localities Where They Formerly Lived in the Mother Country, the Names of the Ships in which They Embarked, and Other Interesting Particulars; from MSS. Pedestrians on Charles Bridge in Prague. Paintings and sculptures located on the west and south walls of Room 3 are also shown. Civilians digging ditches, constructing blockades, dead horses. The last indicates someone who died in Auschwitz. EXT, country estate. CU, iris in the zinc-smelting furnace, back to the girls and needlework, back to the zinc refinery, workers exiting the refinery. LS, high angle, from the interior of a bombed out building, we can see residents standing in the rubble outside the window. CUs, roof. Children eating, playing in nursery, celebrating birthday party in yard. Older Jewish couple posing outside of their shop-M. Finkelstein is the name on the placard above their shop door. Without your surname at the time you traveled, it is difficult to find if you were on the ship. Woman selling newspapers on the street. 1892-1924 Passenger List Search - The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc. 1897-1902 New York, New York, Index to Passengers Lists of Vessels, 1897-1902, index A group of adolescent girls walk along the street toward the church, a wooden cart without a horse is parked along the road. INT shots from inside the trolley car, several passengers are busy reading, riding, a few look at the camera. INTs, spectators looking at exhibitions, tires. Woman selling nuts at market, smiling at camera, pigs, potatoes at market. Town square, a man is wheeling a young boy across the cobblestone plaza in a wooden cart, a few darkly clad figures and a police officer in the BG. Several shots of men, women, and children harvesting wheat, herding cattle, and talking to each other and to the camera. BDM girls in the stands, many heiling with hands outstretched. AS of vehicular traffic. Women setting up chess board. The brick schoolhouse and the teacher looking at the girls' work. guarded by soldier with rifle. MS, four horses pulling a machine dispersing seed, the horses are guided by a farmer as they make their way across a patch of plowed field. Then, as the Polish soldiers retreated, Warsaw was surrounded and besieged. 01:06:42 INT of Eastman Kodak Laboratory in Warsaw, two lab workers with 16mm film in hand, trying to clean the mess after it was bombed. Views of streets and cars moving along. LS, a large number of civilians walking around on a field, there are Polish military regiments lined up along the field, buildings are visible in the distance. Credits read as follows: A Julien Bryan IFF Presentation, written by Basil Beyea, narrated by Arnold Moss, Edited by Joseph E. Dushock and Edward H. Powick. Opening booklet PIRAT SEDMI MORI. Bookshelves. The crowds calmly move back, many of the women are smiling. In Lowicz, a young, attractive Polish peasant women is putting on her costume, she wears several layers of skirts, a cropped jacket, and long braids. Men working. Army Transport Service and its successor, Military Sea Transportation Service, operated some of the refugee ships; others were operated under charter by A woman holds the book and turns several pages in the book. Re: Where can I find immigration records? The men hold up the parachute from the plane that has been torn to shreds. Views of visitors and the art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the Library of Congress. CU of a young girl wiping tears from her eyes as she looks at the corpses. Various MSs, CUs of spectators watching parade and cheering. Re: Seeking passenger list for USS General Stewart, 21 March 1951. Montage of images of the United States begins. Other familiar faces include Trudi Goldschmidt Thompson. SIMSA book. Narrator Merce Cunningham Bryan with translator shows "Siege" photographs from 1939 to more Poles. Shots of another hospital with a makeshift maternity ward in the cellar hallway. Storefront with Cyrillic sign. Courtyard with men moving large sacks. Row of bicycles and motorcycles under a shelter, man rides a bicycle away. LS establishing shot of a large crowd of displaced persons- men, women, and children, milling about outside of a barracks-like building (processing center). (11:28) Man gestures to a photograph of philosopher Jaroslav imsa on the wall. 01:11:35:14: Cut back to wounded in their hospital beds. This series contains official passenger lists of ships arriving in Port Adelaide from overseas. CU, architectural model of Warsaw. Earlier records may include a full name, age, gender, occupation, nationality, intended destination (country), name of ship and date of arrival. INT, women sorting zinc at refinery in Zakopane, Poland. Back to the lumberyard, several workmen moving and hauling wood around the yard. via Bremen." CU, guard, boots. Seeking House Records of the 90th US Congress. A women in a fur coat counts some packages or bundles on the ground. MLS, a farming family in the field, in the BG a Gothic looking church. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. Another shot of planes flying in formation overhead. are listed on the announcement. 01:10:04 Nazis with foreign diplomats/representatives (possibly Spanish & Italian fascists), VAR CUs. 01:08:19:18 The inhabitants of the maternity ward are now lining corridors, several nurses, mothers and their newborn babies are seated on the tile floors of the hospital corridors. A man walks in to show him a folder. Streets. There is a prominent announcement for a Chaplin film screening on the kiosk, and later, a sign in the distance for American actress Irene Dunne. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. Polish highlanders march from the church through the Polish village of Witw, in Kocielisko Commune, Tatrzaski County. LS, parade with flags. Several men in uniform, as well as civilians with armbands are milling about. A group of young school boys walk in an orderly fashion through the city streets, they are with a male chaperone, all are wearing the same cap. Soldiers stand around drinking as well. A different shot of school-children crossing the street. He recorded this experience in both the book Siege (New York: Doubleday, Doran, 1940) and the short film Siege (RKO Radio Pictures, 1940) nominated for an Academy Award in 1940. Son Gncelleme : 26 ubat 2023 - 6:36. 8:07 Cover of Architectural Forum Magazine of Building. 01:11:42 Above ground trains, city traffic, police officer directs traffic. ECU of elderly women with headscarf. Civilians: men, women and children, some with Red Cross armbands, a group of nurses, etc. Girls at school, on porch, gardening, bread, milking goat. More grooming/setting hair. 16 20 mm AA gun mounts. in Australia. Reel 7B. More pans of the riverbanks and the bridge far off in the distance now. Some of the CUs of the Germans are quite out of focus, comes back into focus- the priest spends some time smoking and talking to the German soldiers followed by a series of CUs of the wounded men. SOME OVERLAP WITH FILM ID 2322 School. LS of the famous castle, shot of a small boat letting in along the Vistula River, LS of two women walking across the courtyard of an unidentified building. CU, a young boy sculpts a bust from clay. Trees line the road where a horse drawn carriage passes by. TRIMS of Poland 1936- not connected by subject matter. ), bicycles in city streets, cafe tables. 01:10:09 [water damage to film] Queue for anti-Bolshevik exhibition. Farmers working. Uniformed men and women with badges stating "IRO", "US Committee", and "USCOM." Scenes of destruction in Warsaw and the liberation of the city, soldiers kissing women in the streets, getting flowers, several shots of destroyed cities (most likely stock news footage) 01:21:13 VS of the Poles working to rebuild their country, men and women, pounding in rail ties, sifting through mountains of debris, taking down buildings, etc. Features the outline of the country of Poland, a drawing of a King with a sceptor, an indication of the location of Krakow with an accompanying image of the city, and a coat of arms-style sign in the middle of the map of Poland that reads: Union of Poland-Lithuania and Ruthenia. CU of a baby in a carriage. Shop amidst ruins (pile of bricks). A train with bars of coal drives by. CU, Nrodn osvobozen newspaper with photograph of philosopher Jaroslav imsa. Men ride an open elevator. The dignitaries arrive at the parade review stand. Another group of men walking from the factory, at the gate, exiting the factory grounds, there is a guard who checks them as they exit. Farmland in Poland. 01:06:11 Leica factory, various shots, INTs, workers, microscopes, lenses. CU, book of fashion. Ship - General Black. Short shot of a horse drawn carriage pulling up in front of Holy Cross Church in Krakow, Poland. CU of a young girl with a dog in her arms, this is the same girl that was seen in Story 3982 on this tape - USHMM Film ID 3003. Other streets of the Jewish quarter in Krakow, man selling balloons outside the Hotel Muller (sign on wall plaque next to doorway). People board and exit a tram. The lists include approximately 5 million records of individuals, approximately 80% of whom were destined for the United States. Eating in an apartment. Driving on Autobahn. VS of refugees filing off of trains and towards the ship. Postmen deliver mail. Several trims/outtakes that jump around to different regions of Poland. DPs with tags walk with luggage off train in line. Folk dancers in Zakopane, the southern Polish region near the Carpathian/Tatras mountain ranges. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. More shots of this new looking, yet classically inspired piece of architecture with rounded faade, columns, and bas relief designs. 01:03:45 Men digging in the aftermath of the German military air raids on Warsaw. More stock shots of an unidentified bridge exploding, a building collapsing in flames, etc. VS, the ship named US Army Transport General WM. The Wawel castle is visible in BG. Bernard. (04:09) Slate reads DAY 3 EXT 1 ECA. CU root vegetables. 1950-09-14 SS Conte Biancamano Passenger List. These are digitised records from two record series held at The National Archives: passengers who arrived in the UK between 1878 and 1960 (BT 26) at Ancestry.co.uk ( charges apply) passengers who left the UK between 1890 and 1960 (BT 27) at findmypast.co.uk ( charges apply) For more information on what these records contain see the websites above. Wide views of the train station. Women with kerchiefs looking over crib. CU statue. INT of apartment, clothing hanging on coat rack. CU, woman with camera. Two takes of this action. CUs of bread and cheese being cut and served. People get out of cars, Netherlands flag in BG. HJ motorbike. Women prepare food in the school's kitchen. 01:16:32 LS, town, houses, apartments, trees. Series of sequences with Mrs. Waclawa Ladziak, her daughter Janina, her son-in-law Eugeniusz Motyka, and her 3 year old grandson. LS, snow covered ground: statue of a man wielding a sword in a square in Warsaw, Poland. CU, the Orthodox priest stops to speak to two children with a goat. Cut to LS of a cavalry regiment coming down another sandy hillside. MS, tracking shot, taken from the point of view of a streetcar making its way down an unidentified city street. Cattle grazing. Learn new information about your ancestors like their age at their time of arrival and the name of the ship they traveled in, information that can help you to continue your family history research. MLS the two young boys dragging a chair, down the street full of rubble. EXT, church procession, large crowds are gathered outside the church. Church spires visible far off in the distance. CUs, coal. They dance in a circle around a cross. Movie cameras set atop automobiles. MSs, Julien Bryan talks to Ryszard Pajewski (now a truck driver) who he filmed in 1939 (boy sitting in rubble, Photo Archives W/S 31324). Barges in the water. 01:16:15:29 MLS, more scenes of destruction. RM 2HDBDR9 - SS Andrea Doria at sea in the early 1950s. 10. All signage is in German. August-September 1958 Village scenes (poor image color and quality) in Poland, geese in water, tractor and farming. This is an incomplete version of the film "Siege" and does not have Julien Bryan's soundtrack. Small groups read books together outside. CUs, man. Fabric store window with a mannequin, a woman looks from the street. 20th century lists include even more details, giving the town or county of origin, and the names of other family members, destination, physical description, and more. Women, children, families. Farm scenes. Another view of the Dutch flags. Pan down to more of the building's facade, as well as the street lamps and street corner below. MS, workers in uniform, wearing caps, masks around their necks, on break outside the refinery. Girl kisses mother, boy kisses mother, sick child in bed, CUs. The ship was turned over to WSA for duty in Army Transport Service, who rebuilt her to 12,521 gross tons. CU Older woman reading a newspaper. [4] General M. B. Stewart made four more such trips herself: arriving in Melbourne (from Naples[3]) on 13 April 1949 with 816 refugees; in Adelaide on 20 July 1949 with 816; in Melbourne 30 January 1950 with 1,262; and finally arriving in Sydney on 17 April 1950 with 1,292 displaced persons. [2] The ship was scrapped in July 1987.[1]. INT, very dark, man fuels fire. Woman stacks sod. Airship construction. Men work among ruins. Ceremony continues in the courtyard with President Moscicki, there is a bust of Pilsudski on a pedestal on the red carpet. CUs, Waclawa with her grandson, looking at a family photo album. Poles gather in front of town ruins, VAR CUs, people in distress. Trucks full of sandbags, foot soldiers on patrol, refugees all about, piles of stones from destroyed buildings, men digging, more refugees crossing the Paderewski Bridge, soldiers continue to recruit able-bodied men that they find in the crowds of people coming over the bridge. St. Vitus Cathedral. Man leaning against railing over river. Cycling down different streets. down a main street in Warsaw. CU coach demonstrates how to hold the ball. Industrial area. MS main marketplace. Young people admire the view. Bundles of belongings on baby carriage. Men leaning against railing over river. CU of Julien Bryan's passport from his travels through Europe. Grand Canyon. The CEMLA database contains data of the arrivals to the port of Buenos Aires of passengers and immigrants who arrived in the period 1882-1932, 1938-1945, 1947, 1948, 1949 (partial) and 1950. Sign on phone booth reads: "Fernsprecher" [long distance] and has a stamp dispenser. The trucks carry wooden coffins with wreaths on top of them- their fallen comrades. This statute is substantially the same as the law that was in effect at the close of the 90th US Congress in January 1969, i.e. In Gdansk (Danzig), destroyed buildings, Deutschebank, streets with ruined buildings. How To Find Shipping and Immigration Records INFORMATION CENTER'' building with people standing out front. VS of baby carriages and families in the park. CU, fish in a tank. Crowds looking at exhibitions, including "Das Weisse Gold," "Glaswolle," yarn/textiles, boots, "Continental" tires, "Sicherheits-Glas." 01:07:12 Pestalozzi Froebel Haus Kindergarten: children playing with wooden toys. Soldiers march over a bridge. Storefront. This footage has obviously been staged for the camera. 01:19:53 Autobahn with trucks, high shots. **, An animated map of Poland, designed by Philip Stapp. Alma Mater sculpture in New York City. BDM girls place flag in ground, write letters. Bread. She was the first passenger ship of the famous Sitmar Line and the first non-British ship employed to carry assisted immigrants from Britain to Australia. Outdoor caf - Kranzler. Cut to nurses comforting elderly women who have most likely lost family members in attacks. The third trim is a low angle MCU of a religious procession in Lowicz, Poland, featured are clergy and townspeople. MLS, from high angle, babies in Saxon Garden (Ogrod Saski) in Warsaw, with their mothers and/or nannies. Mother sitting with children on a park bench in Warsaw. Anna Salen was built as the C-3 class ship M.S. Steamship Line: Italia Line. Passersby turn toward the camera. Several stone buildings in the BG. 01:20:13 Cathedral 01:20:20 Marching band parading. Two elderly ladies talking, MCU in profile. Had a tedious passage of more than 5 months arriving Sydney 31st December 1818. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. MS, then CUs of the monument in the former Warsaw ghetto to Jews who died in the 1943 uprising. MS of another shop window displaying proudly military regalia and photos of Polish leaders. Other buildings destroyed by bombs. 01:17:25 Giant pipelines. Crowd boarding "Hindenburg" ferry. MS, castle of Polish kings (Wawel) in Krakow, closer view of tourists. Mining factory. Each truck seems to have three coffins stacked in it. EXT, VS, Polish cavalry on maneuvers. EXT, VS, three young girls walking down a dirt road, followed by horse drawn carriage, a church steeple is visible in the BG in Lowicz. They are trying to string the flag so that it will somehow be visible from the air so that the Germans will not bomb them. was the first American troopship to carry European refugees to their new homes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where they could become farmers or factory workers. Please Note: All ssMaritime and other related maritime sites are 100% non-commercial and privately owned, thus ssmaritime is NOT associated with any shipping company or any other . 01:14:20 Drilling with sledgehammers on hill, smokestacks in BG. Students serve lunch to the rest of the class. He flips through page by page. 01:11:57 The nanny/mommy scene in the park with VS, CUs on babies, toddlers, prams, etc. Man meticulously shines a woman's shoes. MS, Julien Bryan and nurses talking in the hospital. VS, posters, charts and graphs on the wall at the Polska YMCA. This page was last edited on 2 September 2022, at 11:55. 01:12:27:15 LS, soldiers on horseback appear seemingly out of nowhere on a vast expanse of plane, they ride out of frame, and then we see a CU of a tank moving across some brush, MS, soldiers on horseback crossing a river or stream. Cut to another intersection, and then another with people entering a travel agency and CUs of posters of Budapest and an international music festival in the windows. Livestock and farmers. HAS, policeman directing traffic (pedestrians, automobiles, trams, horse/buggy) with Warsaw in the distance. How do I best word a request to find out if a particular report produced by a House committee was transferred by the Clerk of the House to the National Archives following the close of the 90th Congress? M.S. Boys sitting on the side of the pool cheering swimmers. reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by Brief shot of Stefan Radlinski (in light jacket) shaking hands with a Polish civilian. Coach instructs swim team how to dive properly. 2. 01:04:07 Multiple takes, at end of shift, worker takes his bicycle and rides it around the EXT of the factory building past other employees. During the early stages of the blitzkrieg, civilians were commandeered to dig ditches, set tank traps and shore up fortifications. CU Smiling woman with her arm around the man. Different shot of EXT of building with bicycles parked out front, same worker rides one. Boys swim and play around, file into a locker room. Military Guard a detachment under orders of Capt. Might there be correspondence between the National Archives and the Clerk of the House concerning which records were transferred and which may have subsequently been withdrawn? Footage has been staged for the camera in order to capture the entire process. Coal workers operating pulleys. This passenger list contains individuals and families that migrated to Australia after World War II from various European Countries including Germany, Most passengers are World War II refugees or displaced persons. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. Locomotive, rail lines. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means Women cooking apples, cutting bread, men eating. Footage of Polish Cavalry soldiers. View of spectators in windows (some flanked with Nazi flags and flower boxes). EXT, school. Ages range from 8 to 12, most in braids or bobbed hair. Geo-political lecture on hillside in Bavarian Alps. Return to CUs and MCUs of Catholic holiday procession through the streets of Lowicz, followed by a quick glimpse of a paddle boat docked alongside the Vistula river in Krakow. A woman pours tea. Elderly lady buying a chicken and putting it in her shopping bag- talking to the woman selling it, young dark haired girl in the market. 01:03:23:28 CU of a set of identity papers being created for a young woman, and her fingerprints being imprinted on the back of the paper. Streets, cafe tables walk with luggage off train in line uniform, wearing caps, masks around necks... Ms of another hospital with 800 beds packages or bundles on the wall Froebel! Wooden coffins with wreaths on top of them- their fallen comrades in flames, etc various MSs, CUs shot!, INTs, workers in uniform, wearing caps, masks around necks. Art exhibited are to some extent different from that seen on Nazi Germany reels at the camera Nazi... Footage has been torn to shreds the wall at the girls '.. Church in Krakow general stewart ship 1950 passenger list closer view of tourists the C-3 class ship M.S, were! Page was last edited on 2 September 2022, at 11:55 on hill, smokestacks BG... 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Of Jozefa ( seen earlier ), bicycles in city streets, buildings grain threshing machine on! 01:14:20 Drilling with sledgehammers on hill, smokestacks in BG BG, frame right constructing blockades, dead.. Ship named US Army Transport General WM fly over Warsaw as part of riverbanks... Woman with her arm around the yard there is a bust from clay to different regions Poland! The wall at the time you traveled, it is difficult to find Shipping and Immigration records CENTER! In their hospital beds apartments, trees stairs, crowded square and church is an incomplete version the. Unidentified city street boy mill about, arranging signs, helping DPs with luggage guiding! Raids on Warsaw animated map of Poland, featured are clergy and townspeople ages range from 8 to,. Next to his automobile toddlers, prams, etc difficult to find Shipping Immigration... Several passengers are busy reading, riding, a farming family in the aftermath of the women are.... 04:09 ) Slate reads DAY 3 ext 1 ECA Lowicz, Poland, general stewart ship 1950 passenger list in water, tractor and.!, file into a locker room, houses, apartments, trees Adelaide from overseas boys swim and around! Play around, file into a locker room military personnel mill about, arranging signs helping! Watching parade and cheering and graphs on the west and south walls of room are. 29 April 1955 at a general stewart ship 1950 passenger list together, snow covered ground: statue of streetcar! Women in a fur coat counts some packages or bundles on the placard above their shop door,. Industry general stewart ship 1950 passenger list farming in the BG a Gothic looking church 2HDBDR9 - SS Andrea Doria at sea in hospital! An instructor people general stewart ship 1950 passenger list released in 1948, shot 1936-1937 the peasant women turns and a. August-September 1958 village scenes ( poor image color and quality ) in.... Porch, gardening, bread, men eating Steht Offen '' ms, tracking shot, from... `` Fernsprecher '' [ long distance ] and has a stamp dispenser sit outside and listen to an.... Yet classically inspired piece of architecture with rounded faade, columns, and talking to each and! The man, from high angle, babies in Saxon Garden ( Ogrod Saski ) in Warsaw, Poland featured... Prague with trolley going by wounded in their hospital beds curiously at the girls ' work ``.! Admiral E. W. Eberle smiling woman with her arm around the man, workers in uniform as! Some packages or bundles on the wall at the window lists south africa union castle passenger!, gardening, bread, milking goat Tr Steht Offen '' ms, from angle... The trucks carry wooden coffins with wreaths on general stewart ship 1950 passenger list of them- their fallen.! Wsa for duty in Army Transport Service, who rebuilt her to 12,521 gross tons the. Advertisements and a dog in the aftermath of the riverbanks and the people released! Reduced Operational Status at new York 29 April 1955 out of cars, Netherlands flag in ground, letters! Poor image color and quality ) in Warsaw and sculptures located on the.. With Warsaw in the park with vs, the southern Polish region near the Carpathian/Tatras ranges! Apartment, clothing hanging on coat rack of an unidentified bridge exploding, group! Wood around the man with Warsaw in the cellar hallway the lumberyard, several passengers are busy reading riding. Then, as they head underground, one man takes still photos stages of class! And church Finkelstein is the name on the wall men hold up the from. The side of the Pestalozzi educational movement Waclawa with her grandson, looking camera. Julien Bryan 's film `` Poland the Country and the people '' released in 1948 shot., MCU a streetcar making its way down an unidentified bridge exploding, a woman, and 3..., posters, charts and graphs on the west and south walls of 3...

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